Configuration Options

You can change many options for this extension works via Flask’s Configuration Handling. For example:

app.config["OPTION_NAME"] = option_value


General Options:


How long an access token should be valid before it expires. This can be a datetime.timedelta, dateutil.relativedelta, or a number of seconds (Integer).

If set to False tokens will never expire. This is dangerous and should be avoided in most case

This can be overridden on a per token basis by passing the expires_delta argument to flask_jwt_extended.create_access_token()

Default: datetime.timedelta(minutes=15)


Which algorithm to sign the JWT with. See PyJWT for the available algorithms.

Default: "HS256"


Which algorithms to use when decoding a JWT. See PyJWT for the available algorithms.

By default this will always be the same algorithm that is defined in JWT_ALGORITHM.

Default: ["HS256"]


The string or list of audiences (aud) expected in a JWT when decoding it.

Default: None


The issuer (iss) you expect in a JWT when decoding it.

Default: None


The number of seconds a token will be considered valid before the Not Before Time (nbf) and after the Expires Time (`exp). This can be useful when dealing with clock drift between clients.

Default: 0


The string or list of audiences (aud) for created JWTs.

Default: None


The issuer (iss) for created JWTs.

Default: None


The not before (nbf) claim which defines that a JWT MUST NOT be accepted for processing during decode.

Default: True


The key for error messages in a JSON response returned by this extension.

Default: "msg"


The claim in a JWT that is used as the source of identity.

Default: "sub"


The secret key used to encode JWTs when using an asymmetric signing algorithm (such as RS* or ES*). The key must be in PEM format.

Do not reveal the secret key when posting questions or committing code.

Default: None


The secret key used to decode JWTs when using an asymmetric signing algorithm (such as RS* or ES*). The key must be in PEM format.

Default: None


How long a refresh token should be valid before it expires. This can be a datetime.timedelta, dateutil.relativedelta, or a number of seconds (Integer).

If set to False tokens will never expire. This is dangerous and should be avoided in most case

This can be overridden on a per token basis by passing the expires_delta argument to flask_jwt_extended.create_refresh_token()

Default: datetime.timedelta(days=30)


The secret key used to encode and decode JWTs when using a symmetric signing algorithm (such as HS*). It should be a long random string of bytes, although unicode is accepted too. For example, copy the output of this to your config.

$ python -c 'import os; print(os.urandom(16))'

If this value is not set, Flask’s SECRET_KEY is used instead.

Do not reveal the secret key when posting questions or committing code.

Note: there is ever a need to invalidate all issued tokens (e.g. a security flaw was found, or the revoked token database was lost), this can be easily done by changing the JWT_SECRET_KEY (or Flask’s SECRET_KEY, if JWT_SECRET_KEY is unset).

Default: None


Where to look for a JWT when processing a request. The available options are "headers", "cookies", "query_string", and "json".

You can pass in a list to check more then one location, for example ["headers", "cookies"]. The order of the list sets the precedence of where JWTs will be looked for.

This can be overridden on a per-route basis by using the locations argument in flask_jwt_extended.jwt_required().

Default: "headers"

Header Options:

These are only applicable if a route is configured to accept JWTs via headers.


What header should contain the JWT in a request

Default: "Authorization"


What type of header the JWT is in. If this is an empty string, the header should contain nothing besides the JWT.

Default: "Bearer"

Cross Site Request Forgery Options:

These are only applicable if a route is configured to accept JWTs via cookies and JWT_COOKIE_CSRF_PROTECT is True.


Name of the form field that should contain the CSRF double submit token for an access token. Only applicable if JWT_CSRF_CHECK_FORM is True

Default: "csrf_token"


The name of the header on an incoming request that should contain the CSRF double submit token.

Default: "X-CSRF-TOKEN"


Controls if form data should also be check for the CSRF double submit token.

Default: False


Controls if the CSRF double submit token will be stored in additional cookies. If setting this to False, you can use flask_jwt_extended.get_csrf_token() to get the csrf token from an encoded JWT, and return it to your frontend in whatever way suites your application.

Default: True


A list of HTTP methods that we should do CSRF checks on.

Default: ["POST", "PUT", "PATCH", "DELETE"]


Name of the form field that should contain the CSRF double submit token for a refresh token. Only applicable if JWT_CSRF_CHECK_FORM is True

Note: We generally do not recommend using refresh tokens with cookies. See Implicit Refreshing With Cookies.

Default: "csrf_token"


The name of the header on an incoming request that should contain the CSRF double submit token.

Note: We generally do not recommend using refresh tokens with cookies. See Implicit Refreshing With Cookies.

Default: "X-CSRF-TOKEN"

Query String Options:

These are only applicable if a route is configured to accept JWTs via query string.


What query string parameter should contain the JWT.

Default: "jwt"


An optional prefix string that should show up before the JWT in a query string parameter.

For example, if this was "Bearer ", the query string should look like "/endpoint?jwt=Bearer <JWT>"

Default: ""

JSON Body Options:

These are only applicable if a route is configured to accept JWTs via the JSON body.


What key should contain the access token in the JSON body of a request.

Default: "access_token"


What key should contain the refresh token in the JSON body of a request.

Default: "access_token"